Monday 27 July 2020

HVAC Technician Training Program : What to Look For

So you want to become an HVAC technician, but do you know what to look for in an HVAC technician training program? There are several things to consider when you are shopping around for the right HVAC program. And that’s the purpose of this post: to help you pick a trusted HVAC Training Program that will truly equip you with the skills and knowledge you need to find entry-level work in your field of study after program completion.

Keep reading to find out what you should be looking for in an HVAC Technician Training Program.

Is the HVAC technician training program offered by an accredited institution?

When you are pondering which HVAC technician training program you should sign up for, one of the most important things to find out is if the institution is accredited. A school is accredited if it is officially recognized and authorized by a third-party accrediting body. Accrediting bodies ensure that educational institutions adequately prepare students for careers in their field after graduation.

Does the HVAC training program train for EPA certification?

The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) requires all technicians who maintain, service, repair, or dispose of equipment that could release ozone-depleting refrigerants into the atmosphere to be EPA 608 certified. In order to become a Section 608 EPA technician, one is required to pass an EPA-approved test. Here at ATI, our HVAC Courses train students in the skills and knowledge necessary to pass this important industry test. 

Here at ATI, We are an accredited institution. Our HVAC program is offered in-person at our state of the industry campus in Las Vegas. We teach students the information needed for the EPA exam. All of these factors make ATI a good choice for receiving your training to become an HVAC technician. We look forward to helping you build a brighter future!

Monday 6 July 2020

Electrician Program Courses At ATI

Electrician Courses: What Should You Be Learning In Your Electrician Program?

There are several ways to become an electrician. One popular path is to complete an electrician training program at an accredited career school. However, not all career schools or Electrician Programs are created equal. So which electrician courses should you is taking? Keep reading to find out!

Electrical Theory

Another foundational electrician course is an introduction to electrical theory course. Classes of this nature should focus on the fundamentals of electrical power and lighting circuits. They should also provide instruction on various laws and principles of electricity. This should include an examination of electrical energy fundamentals and the relationship of electrical quantities within Ohm’s Law.

Electrical Design & Lighting Concept (Residential)

Ideally, this course will take place after the introduction to the NEC. This course should teach students how to design and draw NEC-compliant branch circuits for residential structures. Topics covered in electrician courses of this nature include:

  • Load calculation
  • Receptacle placement
  • Lighting outlets
  • Ground Fault & Arc Fault protection
  • Electrical symbols and prints
  • Identification & installation of various residential lighting fixtures

Commercial Wiring & Flexible Cables and Conduit Bending

Electrical Courses of this type should teach students about various flexible conduits and flexible cable assemblies. They should also cover NEC code requirements for listed flexible conduits and cables, as well as their installation requirements and associated connectors and fittings. Such courses should provide hands-on training on the installation of both metallic and nonmetallic conduits.

Electrician Courses at ATI

Here at ATI in Las Vegas, we offer electrician courses that cover the above topics and then some. Our electrician students receive a well-rounded, hands-on education that prepares them for a range of entry-level electrician jobs. To learn more about the electrician courses we offer in our Electrical Technician Program, give us a call and speak with one of our admissions representatives. You can also follow us on Facebook to join the conversation about what’s going on at ATI!